Through the Eyes of a Child
One fateful day,
in the heat of May,
A child was brought into the world.
But something was wrong,
and ended the song
as doctors announced her troubles.
Her eye was not right,
it contained quite a fright,
a cataract, infecting her lens from day one.
Her parents looked on,
and wondered upon
why God had done this to them.
But He hadn't forgotten,
no, not even the rotten
infection that took hold of the child.
"I solemnly swear,
I will always care,
and you needn't distress over this.
For I have a plan,
I'll do all I can
to protect this child of yours."
With God at their side,
the parents decide
that one day, all will be right.
The child grew strong,
as the days moved along,
as did the growth in her eye.
Through patches
and glasses,
the girl persevered,
till one day they said,
"Let's get that thing out of your head,"
and to surgery she was taken.
Her parents prayed hard,
keeping hearts on guard,
in case things turned for the worst.
After an hour,
guided by God's great power,
the doctors announced suceess.
The infection was gone,
and now from then on,
the girls eye would be healthy and new.
The parents rejoiced,
their praises were voiced,
for their daughter was healthy at last.
As the years went by,
and my does time fly,
the girl had found a new strength.
She learned how to handle all that life threw,
because in her heart she knew,
she had survived something hard as a child;
and if she could take that
without being a brat,
what more could hurt her in life?
Now this story is real,
and I tell it with zeal,
for I am the girl I've described.
This struggle I had
in early life may seem bad,
but it's made me the person you see today.
I'm thankful each day
that God made me this way,
because it made me patient and strong.
So just remember,
From January to December,
that we go through trials for a reason.
It may not be clear
but trust me, dear,
you will emrge with new widsom to share.