A Thousand Sacred Symbols


In droves before us,The wonderful expanse on and on afore us;In verdant fields, running pastures,Scurrying streams like playfulnessThe Paris Midnights Where we might stop a moment,And see the little firmament Shining little squire, companionOn this journey,Till we return to clubs and cagesBusy with the meat of life;The intellectuals and excitement,Hagia Sophia,Valiant little cousin-Of Ahmed the BlueThe great sultan Camii,-You are not lesser little AyasofyaThe two of you,Shadowing the Grand BazaarIn the sandy daylightThat is all the world sees you in,The New York NightsAll the little stars speedingTowards the meaning of lifeUnsleeping beacons,A monument to all we can do,In holy VaticanLike Paduan PasturesWhere we may pause a moment,And lie suspended In the grace of nature,Lips parted in wordless supplicationThe pagodas in and cherry blossomsIn Huangzhou and Kyoto,Out to the far mountains,Still, for a moment,An oath to cease swirling petals,In the Raj,In Bombay and Agra,Off the tired solemn wallsOf the red fort,The purity of the Taj,The blissful floatingOf Quetzalcoatl's city,The plump, dancing spires Of Kiev and the Kremlin,Among tall Ivan and St. Basil,The quiet suburbs of the second cityWhere the simple storiesAre acted out,Day by day,We wonder and ask perhaps;Why? What does it all mean?That we have lived,And a wonderful thing,Smiles the Universe,And sighs its tremendous sigh...


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