The thoughts and poverty
To wake up every crack of dawn and
raise your head to
find nothing is protecting you is quite
To be judged and ignored from the rest of society.
To be shamed and labeled because
the only clothes you have are the ones from the first day
this pandemonium began.
All you can do is swallow bitter realizations.
That you are stuck in this web of
discouragementa and hopelessness.
The sunken feel that eat you away from happiness.
Only to clutter your teeth
and raise your hand with open palms.
Palms that are bruised from all the
anguish and commotion from wanting a home.
Thrashing against concrete and metal.
Curling up in a tattered blanket asking:
what did I do to deserve this?
So you ask for something
The sounds of coins and paper catch your attention.
A tender smile appears...
There is a spark of hope.