Thinking of Poems
A poem does not have to rhyme
A poem does not need rhythm
A poem should have meaning
to those who read it
It has been too long
that I have actaully written rhymes
it was in me all along
so it took a minute the first time
two minutes when i thought
days when i wanted it to have meaning
but i know the secret of a poem
can be found when you read it
I tried to rhyme
but instead it lost its meaning
just a funny limerick
i meant to be sad and defeating
so I didnt do my homework
i forgot i had it
my friend said the word 'duck'
and i gave it a whole new meaning
I wanted to add alliteration
rhyming, rhythm, simile and metaphors
but I made my own element
it's called go with the flow
i wrote it down simple
duck are ducks
trees are but simple brezzy trees
i noticed I had added an adjective
and that each word can change the meaning
I could have wrote
it is instead of it's
i could have emphasized that i was writing the poem
but instead I continued with this poem
that gave me an A
i didnt think it was good
a foolish poem indeed
but after that grade
i turned it upside down to read
it may have taken a while
even my friend doesnt know what it means
but i have concluded
that my poem was about different views
for example voice like thunder
could mean shouting in rage
or maybe like when thunder singals ligfhting and rain
someone was going to cry at the end of the day
I'll give you an sample
it is not yet finshed
ducks are ducks
trees are trees
what is not here
is bothering me
Quacks are quacks
seas are nothing but simple seas
this poem is really bothering me
what is this really?
a pond of emotion
water is water
how can a poem go further?
The answer is simple
there is more than one person
who have a different way of thinking.