they should teach self-love in school
i could talk more of the self-hatred i've learned in those
four walls than
that of the required courses i'm meant to take. it'll
be more than just a surface wound next time,
i'll paint a picture on the walls with
my insides just to teach you how to do your job. the facts
and figures i've copied down on that
college ruled paper of disappointment prove nothing
more than the truth that i'll never be as great
as you expect me to be. it's become my reality that i'm only as great
as the letters marked on that flimsy sheet of paper, one
so delicate that even the smallest
of my tears can stain the ink and cause it to
pool into into lost dreams. you don't tell me what's right about
me, you tell me what's wrong. the hierarchy of bullshit
you've piled on me since the beginning of
year 9 has pulled me down more than that of the
heavy chains of my depression. you see, it's not me, it's
you. you're the one who's not good enough, never
giving me a passing chance and dismissing
blood shot eyes and blood stained sleeves with that of "It's
just a phase."