They don't know
They don't know anything about me.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know what happens at home a place where I'm alone.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know how long it takes me to get ready because I'm trying to conform to their ideas of beauty.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know about the panic attacks I have throughout the day.
All they knoow is that they don't like me.
They don't know that I'm getting, nor do they seem to care.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know that I'm getting stronger.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know that I'm finally smiling.
All they know is that they don't like me.
They don't know that I'm happy now no matter how many times they tried to break me down.
All they know is that my head is held a little higher, and I won't take their words in any longer.