They, the Children
They start so young with these situations
Always the good child with no complication
But little do people know and little do people see
This child is just so lonely
All by their lonesome they sit and cry
Yet the parents do nothing as the days go by
Oh, because work is more important, they all say
Their child has toys to play with anyway
But how long will it take before the toys aren't enough?
How long until you notice your child has too much stuff?
When all they ever needed was just your love
No child should have to face neglection
No child should have to wait for their parent’s affection
To them, their love knows no bounds.
But there is no point in having it if there is no one around
But what is a child without their parent's care?
Just an empty shell with no warmth and so bare?
Without guidance they have nothing to live for
They grow up bitter and sometimes rotten to the core
Lashing out for what they do not have
These children will seek attention, in any way they know they can
It's only a matter of time, until you lose the child you once had
Neglecting a child today can only bring suffering to the future
Forget the money, forget the job, and bring your family closer
The journey to a child’s happiness is worth the adventure