These Glasses
The eye has a problem,
but it can see,
Astigmatism disturbs me
but you might not believe.
I close my eyes
And see what you cannot
When your eyes widen
You becoming old like Joe Biden.
Yes, squinting is the issue,
So, I started in four,
And up till date
I might not think of a straight floor.
But these glasses,
These glasses that define my beauty,
I take it off for a rest,
They say my face looks empty.
Is it what God created me with
Or the modification todays man gives?
My face empties not
For I was born without glasses,
And I was still human
No masking.
These glasses taking hold of me
Insecurities settling
I know I am not ugly
But I still wouldn’t believe if someone tells me
Should I take it off?
Give my natural face a chance?
Shun the fools?
And be so peng in the land?