Theresienstadt: Ghetto/Camp/Hope for Better Fate
Ghetto/Camp/Hope for Better Fate
Model ghetto
“Solution” to Jewish question?
No, just worsening conditions
Several transports sent East
Nazis have two dilemmas:
Jews favored by Aryans
And transporting the elderly
Since they were too fragile to work
This place had exisisted
for 31/2 years
But was only a transit camp
In between fates
It was a labor camp
but a ghetto labor camp at that
As the Jews were transported
So were their belongings
Sent to Prague
Away from their owners
To “more deserving” Aryans
Owners and belongings
Cry one last time together
Before their unknown
Permanent departure
Jakob Edelstien
Soon to be leader
Of the Jews at Theresienstadt
Wished for the ghetto
Concentrated locally
Hopefully placed in Prague
But, why would the Nazi’s care?
They chose Terezin
90mi from Prague
Built in 1780
Soon to be rebuilt
When deported by the SS
Jews were incarcerated
In to categories
Consisting of Jews
Czec Jews
German Jews
And Austrian Jews
Age deciphered
Their whereabouts
as well as
Disabilities of many specifications
And domestic celebrity types
The world was conned
In to a false reality
Hitler? “built a city for the Jews?”
Of course not
But there was proof!
A film?
Films are just actors
Not truth
Poor conned society...
Even the Red Cross
Was made fool of
A chance to help thousands of people
And they saw an allusion
And believed it
What fools...
The fist of them
Sent November 1941
1300 Jews
Between two trips
November 24th was the first
December 4th the second
Sent to transport the town
Originally meant for 5,000
Now needed for 35,000
To 60,000...
Lack of:
And more
But plenty of disease
And many transports out
To go to Auschwitz
Residence tried to help
But were soon evacuated
So as to isolate the Jews
This ghetto
More a holding pen
Using its terrible conditions
As a quick, indirect,
Killing agent
A holding pen,
And a “settlement”
An assembly camp
Cynically called a “Spa town”
Yet 33,000 died
And those who didn’t die at Theresienstadt
Deported East
Escape death maybe?
Certain death awaited them
But those are just some
Of the Jews Transfered
Of the 140,000
Sent to the camp
Whatever it truly was.
And out of those
15,000 were poor,
90% of these adorable
sweet children
Their future taken from them
Replaced with an untimely
Cruel death
They did get schooling
And painted pictures
And wrote poetry
They never got a true happy ending
The camp had many musicians
Enough for 2 full symphony orchestras
Chamber orchestras
Various ones
Played all the time
As well as composers
Always creating
Upon arrival:
Valuables hidden
So as to be kept
Elderly tricked
Thought to be going to a spa
Paid lots of money to greedy Nazis
Only to be treated like everyone else
Jews transfered by train
And dropped at Bohusovier
2km from Theresienstadt
Then forced to march to the ghetto
More like hell
with a sprinkle of sugar
Little space to “live”
Triple bunk beds made
All floor space used
No privacy from one another
Vermin crawled everywhere
You name it
It was there
Though it was crammped
Being physically closer
Bonded them emotionally
And mentally
4 gas chambers
For cremating those
Who had died for various reasons
Those artists
caught stealing supplies
Were sent to Terezin
Pictures drawn by children
were hidden
Over 6,000
To be later discovered
And used as evidence
Only 132 children
Survived this traumatic event
Want to know their stories?
Find them
Ask them
They may not want to relive it
But they want people to know
To feel
To hear
To see
So listen
And you’ll know
About Theresienstadt