There Was A Girl
There was a girl she wore a dress and cried
A different person was trapped inside
She wanted to die
She wore cargo shorts and loose fitting tees
Feared the worst. Feared puberty
Felt the blood drip in her underwear
She didn't want you to know she was scared
She hated who she had to be but girl was the only option she was allowed to see
She screamed inside and knew she was different
She went to school and tried to fit in
Very masculine must be a lesbian
She felt trapped in a cage of expectations
Anger built up and she tried to cut herself out
Of the cage of her body where she was always found
She knew she wasn't in the right one
She cried as she read of who she could be
Smiled as she saw the folks on TV
And finally she knew she was free
And there was a girl now he's a boy
If you see him, he's grinning with joy
He found himself
And is working hard
To make himself the man he is in his heart