There Is Hope
Grief is never easy
During the day you lock away your feelings of sadness
So others don't see
At night, you let those feelings out
As you cry by yourself, begging for the pain to go away
No one understands the hurt
In the morning, when you have to start a new day alone
You don't feel anything
You're numb and maybe that's better than feeling
As life continues it's easier to hide the feelings
Feelings of desperateness, sadness, and hurt
But you're heart doesn't feel whole
Nothing can replace what you've lost
You begin to recognize there is still hope
There's a light at the end of the tunnel
Guiding you out of the darkness
And when finally your heart starts to feel whole again
You realize you were never alone
Someone was always next to you
Unnoticed, guiding you out of the darkness
There is always hope at the end that dark tunnel
All you need is faith that you're being led
Led to the hope long forgotten
There is Hope