What time is it in Fresno?
What time is it in London?
What time is it in Austria?
I wish I could split my body
Into several pieces
I would send one of me to each of you
So I could paint snails in your garden
Eat sandwiches on your porch
And visit shops in your neighborhood
It doesn’t matter
I just want to be there
And there
And there
And here.
You only live three hours away
But it might as well be Austria
And your wifi is terrible
Don't send me postcards
Send me your voice breaking as you fall asleep
Send me your tears on the sleeve of my shirt
Send me your humming as you brush your hair
Send me reading your favorite book on the couch
And the sounds and sights of being alive
I will stay up until 3 am to fall asleep with you in Fresno
I will wake up at 4 am to have breakfast with you in London
Let’s drink coffee in Austria just as the sun sets
My heart is in four different time zones
I don’t need to sleep
What time is it in Fresno?
What time is it in London?
What time is it in Austria?
It’s midnight over here.