Thanks for asking!
How about that
How about this
pill after pill
cut after cut
and you're left in the same place
emptiness, you would think that the hundreds of pills you can take and endless hours of consuming bullshit help books that you would fill that hole in yourself
but you can't
life is a vicious cycle that no wins
people pretend that's how you play the game
lying to yourself everyday that you're happy
but would if you can't lie to yourself only to others
then your stuck with the other 350 million people that suffer from depression
wow now do you feel like you have someone there for you someone who can relate
i don't
how about when you get those amazing rush of mind numbing soul puncturing panic attacks
only 3.3 million american adults suffer from it yet we suffer from anxiety when we talk about are anxiety and don't even start when we try to talk about depression because when we do you will notice that after the conversation we don't feel better we like to go into our beds and talk to ourselves
imagine walking in a field but with every step it gets colder
at one point that field was filled with joy but for some reason no matter what direction plants shrivel up and you start to freeze
People will ask you are you ok or how are you feeling
and you will always answer with some lie about how everything is great and you are so happy