Thank you
Thank you.
I honestly don’t know how to put it any other way but
Thank you.
Thank you teachers for choosing this career path.
Thank you for dealing with
These personalities,
These attitudes,
These issues.
Thank you staff for helping us
When we were hungry,
When we were hurting,
When we had something damaged.
And thank you seniors.
Thank you class of 2014.
Thank each and everyone of you.
Thank you Imanis, Jessicas, Kianas, and Jacqueses.
Thank you all for simply being you.
Thank you for being a part of this journey.
Thank you for planning.
Thank you for playing it by ear.
Thank you for being weird.
Thank you for the Harlem shakes, the dougies, and the Nae Naes.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for the highs and lows.
Thank you for being future leaders.
Thank you for being future civil servants.
Thank you for being ‘army strong,’ for choosing to protect and serve.
Thank you for heading straight into the workforce to help those you love.
Thank you for heading off to college so that you can build a better life.
Thank you for standing tall and claiming this space as your own.
And I’m sorry I did not find the time to make a rhyme,
But I am standing here only to speak the truth.
We are the class of 2014,
And I thank you for being you.