Thank You
Before you I could never be alone
He was always watching, listening
Never letting me go
Why do you do these things?
To which he simply responded
Because I love you
You tell me the same thing
Not for your own motives
But because you truly mean it
With you I am free
You encourage me to spread my wings
Not for you, but for me
Our conversations are simple and honest
Just as they should be
Not accusing each other
Of things we wish we could change
But talking for the joy of it
When I tell you I’m not ready
You respectfully understand
No pressure, no guilt
No, “just do it for me”
You have shown me how I should view myself
Beautiful, kind, and gentle
And for that I am grateful
Because without you, I wouldn’t see
The things you see within me
When I ask, “Why me?”
You list all the reasons
And conclude with a simple and sweet
Because I love you
I now realize such words are sacred
Not to manipulate or justify
But to express one’s most authentic affections
Thank you
For showing me how love should be
Healthy, strong, and full of warmth
Not overbearing and like a chore
And above all
For teaching me what the phrase “Because I love you”
Should really mean