Thank You
All I my mom.
That may be unusual but...
I wouldn't have the confidence in myself,
I wouldn't have my strong morals,
I wouldn't know how to express myself,
And I wouldn't be who I am without her.
She gave me confidence by...
Listening to my fears
And dispelling them.
Listening to my insecurities
And telling me they weren't true.
Listening to my dreams
And encouraging me to go for them.
She taught me morals by…
Teaching me how to act
And correcting me when I was wrong.
Opening me up to different perspectives
And allowing me to choose.
Showing me how strong morals create a strong woman
And guiding me into her footsteps.
She showed me how to express myself by…
Teaching me how to communicate
And allowing me to practice.
Telling me that my opinions matter
And letting me share them.
Becoming my confidant
And allowing me to confide.
But most importantly… She shaped who I am.
She taught me that a strong belief in oneself was necessary.
She taught me honesty, love, respect, and responsibility.
She taught me that expression is important.
And by teaching me all of this… She made me into the person I am.
Without her, I wouldn't be who I am.
And that is why she is all I need.