Beautifully wrapped, glisten with moisture.
Your perfume is an intoxication.
You should be illegal.
But no, you are temptation.
Like a doll, a glass divides us.
Decorations surround you but
You outshine all the rest.
I reach for you, you cringe away.
I grasp you, you poison me.
I've slaughtered thousands,
You are no different.
Your flesh is delicate, spongy,
Divine succulence.
Your bones, melted into flesh,
I want to pluck, one by one.
I have you now, you slayer
Of my dreams.
No one but I shall taste your death,
I have vowed it.
My teeth will rend,
My tongue to spear.
You shall burn in acid,
Melt your beautiful face.
Why are you temptation of sweet,
Snake of gluttony and evil?
Damn you pastry!
You are too delicious!