Tell Me Things That Equate To A Band-Aid For My Rocky Emotional Imbalance
Tell me you love me...
Tell me it will all be okay...
Tell me nothing will go wrong...
Tell me theres a way...
Tell me about you...
Tell me about One Day soon...
Tell me that I should have hope...
Tell me we are looking at the same moon...
Tell me we will be able to talk...
Tell me I will see you again...
Tell me we can still be together...
Tell me I'm not wrong for wondering when...
Tell me you forgive me for my insecure thoughts...
Tell me why we love each other this much...
Tell me that I am worth the pain...
Tell me that the others are not worth such...
Tell me not to worry about Andrew...
Tell me not to be threatened by other guys...
Tell me I can trust you with my heart...
Tell me that the questions that are selfish are mine...
Tell me I am not a bad person...
Tell me I'm not a bad influence...
Tell me I'm not bad for having you break all the rules...
Tell me you these 7 days won't be truant...
Tell me with 6 days you'll hold me closer...
Tell me with 5 days you'll hug me tighter...
Tell me with 4 days you'll remind me you'll miss me...
Tell me with 3 days you won't give up...
Tell me with 2 days you'll cry with me...
Tell me...
With 1 day...
That you will kiss will be longer, more passionate, and will not hold a candle to any other kiss we have ever shared because with one last day in your wonderful arms I won't care who's there to see me proclaim my love for you...
Tell me you don't have too wait...
Tell me it's meant to be...
Tell me you will give up when you see fit...
Tell me that one day I'll see...
Tell me through muffled tears as you cry in my shoulder...
Tell me that I am the one perfect guy that you'll ever need..
Tell me this poem is selfish and stupid...
Tell me you love me...