Tell me, Tell me, Tell me
Tell me that I am ugly
Tell me that I am too fat for you
Tell me that I am whore
Because I have big tits
Tell me that I am annoying
Tell me that I am so stupid
Tell me that I am weird
Because I have sense of humor
Tell me that I am depressed
Tell me that I am lonely
Tell me that I have nobody
Because people dislike me
Tell me that I don't care
Tell me that I am heartless
Tell me that I am selfish
Because I don't share
Tell me that I have no life
Tell me that I lost people who I love
Tell me that my life is miserable
Because my life is not perfect
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me
I do have feelings like you have
My life have ups and downs
I am not perfect
You don't know that
I need to hear that I am beautiful
I need to hear that I am pretty
I need to hear that I am attractive
You don't know who I am
You don't know where I from
You don't know my story
Because I am not important to you
You don't love me
Because you are coward
Coward! Coward! Coward!
Because it is your loss
I work my ass off to get move on
Don't let me to ruins yours
Then don't destroy mine
Because my life is important as yours
I am being human like you
Do I look like I am alien to you?
I am not dog, I don't bark
Do I look like I have no feelings?
Tell me you love me
As you love yourself
As I love myself
As we love us