If I have a deep crush on you
And if I ever gather the courage to tell you
Please don’t lie to me just be true
And please don’t be harsh too
I know I will not give up
And I will try a second time
I will try to lure you with gifts
I will try to ask you out on dates
So please don’t be shy
Don’t be afraid to tell me straight up
That “No thanks, I don’t need your gifts”
I’d rather you decline all my dates proposals
So don’t be shy to tell me you’re taken
Tell me am not your type, don’t be afraid
Cause not everyone is my type too
And I know I will be broken
I also know it will hurt
But truth will set us both free
I will open my eye to new possibilities
And at peace will be my heart
So If you don’t like me back
Please don’t lead me into the friend zone
Knowing I made it to the “love zone”
Just tell me straight up
See am human
I will see you with him and act crazy
My anger will lead me to pick an axe
Cut through the both of you with no remorse
Watch you’all bleed to death
Feel some sort of relief,
A breath of fresh air like it’s a victory
But regret it all once my brains open up
So if I ever tell you “I like you”
Don’t be afraid to say no
Don’t be shy to speak your truth
Just tell me “sorry am taken”