Tell Me Again
Tell me again how I am stupid and naive
How I am destined to at least one day thieve
Of all the grades, awards, and recognitions I must achieve
And how most things adults say to me I misperceive
Tell me again of how important this age is
What might happen if I fail that one quiz
How everyone will look at me if my hair is slightly frizzed
Why I must be smart but never a wiz
Tell me again why money is worth more than passion
That I'd be more popular if I cared more about fashion
How, if I don't wear makeup, I look sick and ashen
And how I'll get fat if my food portions aren't rationed
Tell me again how I must learn to play the game
How none of my struggles compare to those you overcame
Why I need a specific direction in life in which to aim
Why I can't be proud of accomplishments that aren't otherwise acclaimed
Tell me again all these things that just bounce off my brain
You get so frustrated by how little I retain
Maybe one day you'll see why none of your ranting to me is sane
But until then, I'll just relax while you struggle in vain
As you try and try to tell me again