Tell Me

Don't tell me
"Sticks and stones" are nothing
Compared to the words we hear.
"You're ugly", "What's wrong with you?"
"You'll NEVER be normal."
Don't tell me that
If I can take the stones instead.
You see, wounds can heal. Dreams can't.
Confidence is a window
That shows you the world,
And lets the world see you.
But glass is easily broken.
It only takes a few words
To destroy it so completely
That you spend your life
Glueing the pieces back together,
But you cut yourself in the process.
And the window will still be cracked.
Broken. Blurry. And now it's weaker than ever.
It's covered in the blood you lost
While desperately trying to fix yourself.
Don't tell me that words don't hurt
Because now you believe them.
Now you find that you're calling yourself those names.
Ask the Trojans, when the enemy is within you,
What chance of victory do you have?
When looking in the mirror
Makes you fight off tears,
Tell me that words don't mean anything.
Tell me that broken bones hurt less. 


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