A Teenage Prayer.


"God I'm here to talk today,

so please be ready to listen.

There's a lot that's going on, You see,

I think You're trying to teach me a lesson.

See there's this boy,

and I think I'm in love.

But everyone says I'm too young to know,

but I think they feel like they're all mighty and above.

He's really nice, he's my best friend,

and he doesn't treat me like dirt.

But even though we're not together,

he's still leaving me hurt.

Says he likes me, says I'm beautiful,

so God I ask that You help me, please.

Open up his eyes so that he can realize,

he obviously belongs with me."


Shallow as it is,

we never seem to care.

For this always seems to be,

the average teenage prayer.


"Dear God I got a problem,

so please don't say anything back.

I have everything I've ever wanted,

but there's something big that I lack.

I don't know what it is,

drugs, alcohol or a girlfriend.

I mean I'm on the football team,

but I just want this emptiness to end.

So please give me something,

like that cheerleader or that guitar.

Or show me a way to be sneaky,

so I can get into that bar."


In society these days,

it's easy to not care.

Because sadly this is normal,

this is a teenage prayer.


"God I hope You know what You're doing,

a boy broke this heart of mine.

See God he left me yesterday,

and took my heart when he walked out of my life.

I hope You know what You're doing,

because right now I just don't trust You.

At least bring him back or something,

and give me an unbreakable heart so new?"


The world is filled with lies and selfishness,

it's so easy for us to not care.

For these are the simple words

of a teenage prayer.


"Dear God, life sucks right now.

Odds are You know.

My parents took away my phone and computer,

they found out my 'good reputation' was for show.

But they don't know her,

they aren't the ones in love.

She's having my baby, Lord,

they say they have had enough.

Open up their eyes,

so they won't be so dumb.

Instead of kicking me out,

maybe around they'll come?"


All we see is ourselves,

we say that life is bad.

Maybe if we looked away from the mirror we'd see it,

if only we could stop being so mad.

In a world full of God's amazing wonders,

no one seems to care.

Shallow as can be,

this is a teenage prayer.



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