Teenage Dream
As teenagers we believe it’s our obligation,
To lose ourselves in dedication
For a person who is still growing up, just like us
And we call this “Love”.
From day one little girls are taught that they’re a princess waiting to be saved by a knight.
And little boys are taught that broken bones are nothing and winning a girls love is worth the fight.
But what we aren’t taught is to love ourselves first,
So we spend our whole life chasing a thirst-
To be held, to be touched, to be loved and to be missed.
And when we’re thirteen we should crave to be kissed,
Because if we don’t then something is wrong,
So we’re brain washed by another love song.
Love me. Love me. Love me.
Society tells me to be pretty,
So that someone will love me.
Love me. Love me. Love me.
Society tells me to be manly,
So that someone will love me.
I need to find someone to love me,
So I can be happy and start a family.
We think these things at sixteen.
Finding love is just a dream,
But we’re searching in reality.
For a human being to fill this need,
I drop to my knees and let out a scream,
Because no one ever taught me,
That I’ll never be complete,
Unless I love myself first.
Then I’ll never need to fulfill a thirst
For conformation from anyone.
The end of the years of brain wash have just begun,
Because it takes time to love yourself.