Tears Of A Child
You came in to me
Tears in your eyes
And dirt on your shoes
You said your love is distant
But yet all I hear is a cry for help
Not a reunion
You need me
But who will help when I can not
Death will come by night
But all life grows when we sleep
You fall before me wanting to here the sweet symphony of my voice
But the new day is rising
And I am in night
But only when you stand tall will I stand with you anymore
You said it burns
When you think or love
And yet the knife you drove through me
Burned just as bad
As you herd my heart burst
You cried tears of joy
Now that you were "Free"
But yet now here you lay in front of me
Tears and sorrow
And yet I don;t feel hate
Or love
Nor apathy
I feel nothing
My soul
My soul
Did you take it
Or did I fall
Was I falling with the sky
Or am a still here beside you
And my soul with yours
In another
One who has not become of this world