Teachers are people?
Teachers always say that they are people, too.
Then, how about you act like people.
By the way, you should also shower now and then.
Teachers say they’re always available for extra help.
Maybe we wouldn’t be looking for you if you just taught us correctly.
Yeah, we know you just love spending time re-teaching us.
Teachers say we can’t curse.
Then, why do some teachers curse when they’re really mad?
Don’t you know that douche means shower in French?
Teachers tell us to do our homework.
How about you grade our chapter 1 test first?
We’re already on chapter 5.
Teachers get angry when we pronounce their names wrong.
What about when you pronounce our names wrong,
Because I could just call you Ms. A, Mrs. B, or Mr. C.
Teachers get angry when we laugh at their last name.
It’s not our fault your last name is funny to us.
You would laugh too if my last name was as ridiculous as yours and you know it.
Teachers tell us to keep our phones off.
First, keep your phone off and then we’ll talk.
You didn’t think we’d notice, did you?
Teachers, teachers, teachers.
Even though a lot of the things you do make us mad,
There is a special student-teacher bond
That always stays somewhere deep inside our hearts.
Somewhere deep, deep, DEEP inside our hearts.
I am sure we make you mad too, but rarely, right?
Teachers, teachers, teachers.
We had our fights along the years.
Our share of glares, and our share of screams.
But even though we do get mad,
Even if we make mistakes,
We know you’ll forgive us.
Besides, we’re people, too, right?
By the way, I was serious about the shower.