Weather at home or school
They surround us always
Showing and guiding us down the right paths
the unseen helping hands
the forgotten pushes we needed
they surround us
whether your aware or not
helping us along our paths called life
going through our ups and downs
do we apreciate them
do we give thanks
all the lessons we've learned
is our gratitude shown
will they ever be aware of the thankfullness of the lessons we've been given
the strong head on your shoulders
don't think you did that on your own
there has been someone
be it parent, teacher, a role model we just look up to
slowly but surely showing us the right paths and ways to go
for the teachers
we say thank you
even though at the moment we don't see a reason to be thankful
for the parents
we say our "i love yous"
for all the work you've done and have yet to do
for our role models
we say thank you for showing us the way we want to be