Tale of an Immigrant
Tale of an Immigrant by Christian Betancourt
We flee our native lands striving for a better tomorrow
So that our kids and grand kids may have not to suffer the same
Your lands, your culture, and your language we borrow
"You are taking our jobs and our land" you continue to blame.
Through the dry arid Sonoran Desert
We travel one-hundred thousand horrid miles.
My esophagus yearns for hydration.
It must be quenched
Yet it remains as dry as these intense rigid conditions
Empty stomachs that cannot bear any longer
They must be nourished
Our bodies call for rest but
We cannot
Knowing that across the border
Is a haven where all dreams are possible.
Our feet cannot endure this pain anymore.
Every step afflicts more pain
To the constant wounds
Yet we progress knowing
Every step forwards is
A step towards stability.
Across the long waters of
The deadly Rio Grande River
That stretches for 1,896 miles
Lies a vivid dream.
We must swim in spite
Of the dangers.
Every stroke is
A stroke closer towards opportunity
That is only strides away.
Over the city of El Paso
Surrounds a 21-inch barbed wall
On the other side of the wall
Is hope.
Hope that life will progressively improve
Better life opportunities and
A better quality of life
Are attainable after this intense journey.
Many of my brothers never reach to see this hope
Nor to reach their dreams
As their bodies faint to the ground
Unable to continue
After long rigorous days and nights
Travelling in these conditions
Without rest or vague nourishment.
Their hope is lost along this journey
For the sake of this dream.
“You are all lazy!”
Take us not as threatening thieves.
We are here to help not steal
To this great nation.
We are humble people.
We are hard-working.
For we come with a simple pursuit of a dream
A dream of one day
Having larger life opportunities.
That perhaps,
We have the opportunity towards a stable life
And an opportunity of our kids
Being able to reach their life aspirations
That may be able to go to college.
To become respectable men and women
Lawyers, Doctors, and Engineers
And contribute to this nation.
A dream much more tangible
Than one that is provided back home.
Working in the hot, steamy fields
For very little recognition.
“Go back to where you all came from!”
You continue to chant
These kinds of jobs are too rigorous
For such small compensation.
Taking on day-long shifts in these conditions
Yet we do so,
Knowing that there is light,
At the end of the tunnel.
“You are no good to society!”
We are not thieves nor criminals I say.
We come to do the unpleasant jobs
That you do not desire.
Why don’t you try approaching us a different way?
Instead of condemning us,
For attempting to achieve this dream.
Is this not what this nation is about?
And the Pursuit of Happiness?
The very own principles in which this nation was founded upon?
I suppose.
We are a nation of immigrants
From all over the world.
So how are you and I any different?
No matter how much you try to restrains us
From achieving these goals
We will always find a path to surpass
These fences that repress us
From moving forward.
We will not go away
We come to give
And not to take away
Racial discrimination
And prejudice we endure.
We will not go away.
We come here to stay.
Rejection from you “Americans”
We will continue to endure.