Take A Second
Think about it,
Think about it,
Why am I always
Tappin my pen on my desk,
Wondering what I’m about
To do next;
When this class is over,
What am I going to get for lunch?
Not paying attention to my teacher
Yet I think she has a hunch,
That I’m absent-minded,
Barely been reminded
That I’m in math, oh wait I meant science.
Or is it history? Are we still studying the Mayans?
Or them Wright Brothers who stay flyin?
Doesn’t matter, two minutes in and I’m
Already dyin,
But we could always make a forum
And share our feelings: hatred, fatigue, all done out of boredom.
Thinking about all I could
Possibly be doing instead of class,
Any alternatives than going to math.
I could always roll out, roll up and pass,
Do you see what I’m saying when you
Be lookin through that glass?
I ain’t talking about shades.
I’m talking about what remains,
After all the glamour about the future fades.
Talk about getting a job and doing what you like
As if it’s as easy as riding a bike.
Those two concepts are different not one in the same,
If you can’t see that, you better readjust your frame.
Teachers talk about it as if they all live it,
As if, if this wasn’t paying their bills they still wouldn’t quit it.
It’s all smoke and mirrors,
Nothing gets cleaner or clearer;
That’s why there is glass, cause
You can’t touch me only see me.
Your message can never reach me cause
That’ll never be me.
I never want to do what I don’t love-
Something with which I would put
My feelings below and my sense of security above.
If I was going to be a teacher I would do it cause
It was at the top of my list,
Not something with which when I saw the
Salary I just couldn’t resist;
Not to say that it pays a lot
But it’s enough to get by and I get my own
Parking spot.
Just know your message will never reach me cause I
Don’t like what I see;
An adult telling me what I could be,
Saying I can do whatever; I can be free,
But just 20 years ago weren’t they that ‘me’?
Told to go to college, make something of yourself,
Study real hard, make connections so you can later
Obtain wealth?
So what happened?
Life happened.
High school reunion-
No one’s clappin.
I guess I’m just trying to say
Don’t preach a life you never fully went after,
Don’t tell me about the ending when you’re still
On the first chapter.
Don’t tell me to get a job I love
When you haven’t gotten one yourself-
Just getting anything you can to establish
Financial security or wealth.
That’s why I can’t respect you,
Why I daydream and often forget you,
But if I’m not careful
I will become you.
20 years from now I don’t want
To see you-
In me-
When I look at my reflection;
Took a bite of ambition
But choked on rejection.
My life didn’t come easy so I took
An alternative route,
Now I’m sitting in front of 45 faces with
My hand on my head and a pen in my mouth.
It’s not to say anymore or any less that
Being a teacher isn’t an ideal career,
It’s to say don’t go for something with disinterest
When you are faced with fear.
Don’t sit in that chair
Unless you truly wish to be there,
Because if you have no desire
I will shut down and neglect all you aspire-
To teach me.
Forget everything that is required,
My mind and attention span have retired-
Make your life miserable until you get fired,
Talking about doing what you love, I’ll
Be the first to call you a liar.
If I mimic your actions
I may just be in that chair;
Miserable and without a care-
For the fact that I gave up on myself and ambitions
Thought life was all about no limits,
No restrictions.
I will be there if I wish to be,
Be in the Oscars if I wish to be on TV.
So just do your job and encourage perseverance no matter the path,
Even if compared to yours my salary is cut in half.
I’ve thought about it.
I’ve thought about it;
Why some teachers can’t hold my attention,
And greatly fail to mention,
How this will help me later in life-
Drenched in dissatisfaction, wishing to back go
Home to their husband or wife.
If you don’t care
I don’t care,
You are only lucky I’m still there,
But all these times I’ve been thinking,
And my interest in you has been shrinking.
Cause I find myself ready and determined,
To be limitless and when I preach the entire world
will come to my serum.
I will do what I love and either sit
Happily at a desk,
Or in a trophy room full of 35 Oscars wondering what’s next.
I am determined and this is a lifestyle
Not a phase,
When I look at my future, I’m going to see a change,
Gotta get out of this box, out of this cage,
I think about all this as I tap my pen on my desk
And flip to the next page.