The System We Call "School"
I am not stupid.
I am not st
I am not
I am
I am.
I am stupid.
Scribbled scrawlings of a
student stuck in this
system we call
Because somewhere he started believing
what those red marks told him must be true.
"D" as in disgrace.
"F" as in failure.
We've created a system in which a number defines intelligence.
Except that it doesn't.
Letters and numbers and facts and dates when memorized
Are letters and numbers and facts and dates.
And that is all.
How many points does he get for lying awake at night
Staring at the stars and wondering about
How the world works
And asking
How many eyes looked up at the same stars
And what were they thinking of
And in a world so chaotic
What if they were just searching
For something constant
Tell me, what does he earn for such thoughts?
How many points does the girl get
For learning the patterns of the forest
And knowing
That tree rings represent seasons, years,
And that the hooded jays only come when the air starts to cool,
And that the creek will only stay frozen
until the sunlight kisses the forest floor once more.
Tell me, how many points for her knowledge?
And how many points for the boy that says only what needs to be said
And knows the power of words
And wields them expertly.
Tell me, what grade does his wisdom get him?
You protest, these are not intelligence,
What are they then?
Is what we learn in school more important?
What does school teach?
What do students learn?
They learn to define themselves by a number.
Or a letter.
And sometimes
They learn to define their value by a number.
Or a letter.
By stressing result,
Not process,
You create a culture of desperation and stress
In which we do whatever needs to be done
To meet your standards
To scrape by the system
It is understood
That we are all battling
A system
And when people tell me
I'm so much smarter than they are,
I tell them it's not true.
And I mean it.
Because your system
Doesn't measure anything.
Except how hard you studied
Or how good your memory is
Or whether or not you slept the night before
Or whether or not you had time to do your homework
You have taught us one thing: to fear failure.
And we fear it so much that we learn to parrot back your letters and numbers and facts and dates.
Your letters and numbers don't measure our intelligence,
They measure our fear.
If I were to measure intelligence,
Or better, wisdom,
I would not measure using points.
But, if I did,
I'd give
points to the star gazers for their thoughts
points to the watchers for their patterns
points to the word masters for their wisdom
and points to the student for having the strength to try
even when the odds are not in our favor.
Instead of teaching us so we earn points
Teach us so we learn