Sword to Words
I used to have visions
of my success
with a Sword in hand.
A samurai of sorts.
My Sword was strong
so my Senses too.
Through my Sword,
my Self was strong.
As I Sensed more
and more I Sensed myself.
My Sense of Self,
without the excess of my armor,
I found power in my Sword and Self.
This Sense of Self flowed into my Sword,
Sharpening, Slaying.
Finally it slayed my Sense of Self.
I Sensed my Strength was not in the Sword,
but my Strength was in my Self.
When i took my Sense of Self,
and put it behind the body of the Sword,
I found a new power.
My power is in wordS.
My wordS are sharp,soft, sudden, or slow.
They cut all that can't be seen,
They can sew all that was broken.
Neither steel nor silver,
but stronger, sought after, and shining brighter,
are my wordS.
These Senses, Sentences, of Sincere wordS
had shaped me from Samurai to Shogun.