The Survivors
The hardships of life haunts and follows us.
Dealing with problems is just what we do.
But how many do you know jumped off of a death bus?
The survivor Eva Galler is who.
The Holocaust a time where death lingered.
A time where religion decided life.
Who do you know escaped this time unhindered?
Nobody. Whether it be physical or mental, nobody escaped unchanged though some escaped with strife.
For another Jeannine Burk, the hidden child still remembers and her forgiveness never surrendered.
The survivors of this time all remembering, all holding on to stories.
Because for some memories are all they have.
None of us were there, never experienced what they did, I a humble writer can only recount memories.
They the survivors can only recount their tales and hope for the best.
To mourn and cry for the ones laid to rest.