Something hand-made
can be just as beautiful
as something natural.
A stone, gothic
can offer as much joy and
as a regenerative tree.
A painting by Monet
can be just as lovely
as his garden.
Women with MRKH Syndrome
are born without a vagina.
That makes them,
no less gorgeous
and amazing
than the rest of these women.
The women who recite
monologues and proclaim
the beauty of nature and femininity
which all derive from
the vagina.
There are options
to create one
through surgery or dilation,
but it will never
function like "normal"
in terms of fertility.
But it will still be beautiful.
I've heard so many monologues about
how beautiful women
and their vaginas
I'm just adding,
for all those out there
struggling with MRKH
or any form of infertility,
that even hand-made vaginas
are beautiful and
that you are beautiful
with or without
Not having a
natural vagina,
or any vagina,
does not make you
"unnatural" or "weird".
It makes us