Super Human Tenderness
Grant me super-human powers
For just one day
And I would save the world
Leave the petty thefts and midday muggings
To Superman
The corporate corruption and social psychopaths
To Batman and Robin
Let the men in spandex handle the news worthy crimes
Instead grant me the power to bring laughter
To the forgotten children of the world
I will calm the cries of innocent lives
Destroyed by those who should be shelters.
I can mend the battered bodies of those
Too fragile to fight back
Let me feed the hunger swollen stomachs
of the wide eyed child
Who breaks his bones to feed his sisters
I don’t need to fly or have laser eyes
Only open arms, where every
Abandoned, neglected heart can find a home.
Grant me the ability to love vulnerably
The children sold into slavery
And “loved” for a price.
Their innocence taking without a choice.
I will kiss every scar, wrap every wound
And wipe every tear from their dirty cheeks.
Because every child deserves to laugh
To see sunshine, and kite flying
And be the apple of someone’s eye.
Because no crime is greater than
When one of these little treasures
Is abused.
Let Captain America resolve
Political issues and foreign destruction
Leave the robotic meltdown and fictional frenzies
To Iron Man
Give the “big” issues to the Big heroes
And I will hold a child’s little hands
And warm their tiny heart.