Sunshine and Thunder
Sunshine and Thunder
I'm not so good with distance
And I'm not so good with time
Sometimes my head gets foggy
All muddled up in rhymes
He operates in numbers
And letters are my style
And he gets there very quickly
Me, I may take a while.
I flow in curves and circles
While he focuses in lines
He breaks down equations
But errors teach my kind.
He likes to take the measures
Me, hell I just run
And sometimes my more careless ways
End me back where I begun.
In my mind, I am like the sail
Blowing with the wind
And he, the chain and anchor
Which bring me back again.
At times I look at us and wonder
How we are so in love
When we are like sunshine and thunder
East and west, below, above.
But like the sail and anchor
Each has a part to play
One moves the vessel shore to shore
One makes sure we stay.
He teaches me the rhythm
While I riddle him with rhymes
But the music that we make
Melts me every time.
And sometimes we speak in thunder
Sometimes we roar and quake
He the rod, I the cloud
And electricity we make.
Sometimes we speak in sunshine
The warmth breaks upon our face
And we swirl like dust flecks in the sun
Dancing through sweet space
Yes, perhaps it would be simpler
To be with one like me, or he like him
To speak the language, know the course
And instead of sailing, swim.
But then I think, how dull it'd be
How unlike the gods and fate
To not have that charge of physics
That only opposites create.
Because I know, he is my north
My lightning rod, my root
And I his south, his sail and song
Whom he can not compute.
And yes I've walked in sunshine
And I've also walked in rain
But there's no stronger magic than the day
When they are together and the same.