The time when school is most important is in the summertime.
Sure, there's no classes to worry about.
or homework to do,
but there's still a lot to think about,
trying to figure out what to do about school.
I used to want to write for a living,
Hell, I still do.
That just is practical now,
not when you're in school.
Why learn to be a writer,
when you don't need a degree to write?
Where's the motivation,
when homework only brings a fight.
The struggle is there,
and the stress is real.
Hard decisions are made in the summertime.
I'd like to write for a living,
and I know that school can help,
but you don't need a degree to make a living writing.
You only need a degree to make a living--period.
So, I'm staying in school,
but switching my path.
While writing will be in my veins,
I need a more practical path,
which means a change in my plans.
I'll be learning how to teach future generations.
Who knows?
Maybe one of them will have the guts to pick up a pen,
and learn how to make a living by writing
the words that flow in their veins.
Maybe one of my future students will find their muse,
one day,
in the summertime.