Summer Time Wasting
I'm not much of a creative writer.
I'm not a genius, and I'm not a fighter.
Just an average student on break going day by day,
Missing the plentiful dining hall buffet.
I sleep all day like a newborn baby,
Should I get up and actually do things? Maybe.
Summer days fly as fast as a falcon,
All while I chug coffee by the gallon.
What am I doing with my life?
At this rate, I'll never end up being a wife.
I'll live alone with my thirty cats.
All while creating our perfect hermit habitat.
I wonder what wisdom is on Wikipedia today.
I wonder how much I weigh.
Too many pointless things to occupy myself with.
Oh! Let's read a story on myths!
Wait, stop!
You need something more productive to do on your laptop.
Essays are too boring...
It's a fiery inferno outside, it's too hot to go exploring,
How about poetry?
Why not make a few fun poems that can be seen globally?