Subtle Toxicity
Drink a little more darling, maybe it’ll fill the empty spaces in your chest
Smoke that last cigarette sweetheart, maybe they’ll accept you for who you are
Stick your fingers a little further down your throat dear, maybe you’ll look perfect
Scream a little louder babe, maybe they’ll come running to your side
Fake that smile sunshine, maybe it’ll keep your insides from falling apart
Cut a little deeper honey, maybe all your worries will disappear
Pull the trigger love, maybe they really do need you
Darling, don’t drink, new memories will always fill your empty spaces
Sweetheart, don’t smoke, when you learn to love yourself you’ll be accepted
Dear, don’t stick your fingers down your throat, what people think of you is not your business
Babe, don’t scream, you mean the world to me
Sunshine, don’t fake that smile, someone will hug all the broken pieces back together
Toots, don’t cut, the scars will be kissed better
Love, don’t pull the trigger, the love of your life wants you to stick around
The mistakes you make, do not define who you are
We build ourselves upon failure
Close the door on the past
Build upon the present,
because isn’t that what life is all about?