The Struggle
The fear is all consuming,
to the point where one becomes numb.
Everything lost its luster
and the meaning behind words are lost.
Isolation came next.
Time spent in my room,
not even bothering to look out the window.
It was my own sad truth.
Then anger came soon after.
Not at the world but at myself.
I thought I was weak,
I though I was pathetic,
I was the wrong in the world.
It took a while, a whole year in fact.
To admit I was troubled
by my own anxious and sad thoughts.
An ongoing struggle.
So I blindly reached out
in hope of someone seeing.
I don't want to fade away.
I want back my freedom.
So now I am using my words as anchors,
and my friends as my peace.
My family as my purpose.
The promise of happiness as my belief.
I am not pathetic
and I'm not weak.
I'm still standing
and I will use my voice to speak
against those thoughts
that have for so long tormented me.
Against the ignorance that still
refuses to see.
Life is hard but no one should be shamed
for buckling under the pressure
or be looked at with disdain.
Instead there needs compassion
and the support for
those who still struggle to find their way.
I will help others just
as others have helped me.
A new year.
A new persepecive.
Keep walking foward and
use every second
of your life to bring good to the world.
Gain back the freedom
and the happiness we all deserve.