Stripped Bare
Heart beating through transparent skin
Eyes bulging out of a large head
It’s too big for my body
Tiny feet and hands
Looking for a thumb to latch onto
Shivering and exposed
Innocent and vulnerable
My heart is growing stronger now
Eyes have sunken into their sockets
The once large head is now covered in platinum blonde curls
Tiny hands are covered in baby fat
My feet are no different
Carefree and Happy
Unsuspecting and Faithful
The heart is beating faster now
Pupils in brown eyes are dilating
A brain is contained in a thick skull but I disregard it
My hands are reaching out for someone
Feet carry me towards them
In love and Free
Falling and Trusting
My heart is nothing now
My eyes are dull
My brain is working hard to create emotion, it doesn’t come
My hands are shaking
My feet are too weak to hold the body that is growing thinner itself
Questioning and Unsure
Broken and Bare
Shivering and Exposed
Innocent and Vulnerable
Why did I follow my heart?
It can’t think as the brain does
How can you sit there,
Calling love inanimate
When the pain hurts so much
That after you lose it
You would rather die
Than take another breath
For fear that your whole existence might shatter?
This is me now
I am nothing but a child
Learning how to cope with loves first heartbreak
I am back to a state of knowing nothing
My views are warped
My ideas have changed
Everything that falls breaks
Why didn’t I expect it?
It’s time that I remove the mask
The mask that covers everything I am
Like a filter, it hides what I truly am
It's paper mâché mask
One that I so easily could have ripped off
But I chose not to for fear that “me” wasn’t good enough
Without the mask
I am beginning to see again
My hands have begun writing again
My feet have begun carrying me
My brain can finally see clearly
It tells me every day
I am beautiful
I am strong
I am smart
I am unique
I am “me”
And “me” is always enough.