Stripped Bare
I'm sick of thinking and writing about you.
I want the venemous thoughts which surround you, gone.
I used to smoke to put my mind at ease
but now when I smoke,
you spread stronger throughout my mind like a disease.
What I need is for my mind to be stripped bare
Every thought which has touched you
every memory you're involved with too,
needs to be rid of, so that I no longer care.
You think I hate you, but I don't.
I'm more forgiving than I'd like
but I can't let you walk all over me
So I told you to take a hike.
Sometimes I still miss you,
Most days I tell myself I don't.
I put up a cool facade,
hoping no one sees through my front.
How am I to ever trust the ones I love
When the one I trusted and loved the most
proved to be no better than the rest?
I need you erased from my mind
So that I may enjoy life with the best
effort that I possibly could give.