Strings Attached/ You v. Me
You versus me
Is that what from now on will be?
I am here with her now
You there with him in that town
Last night I made her cum
You thought last night he could run
Except you say that he is good for you
Why are you doubting that your love is true?
I never doubt mine she loves me strings attached
But she cuts her hands on the strings as she has latched
so hard now can she even turn back?
Your strings with him may start to whither away
Doubt fringes as you tear with each fray
But mine are so strong they could form a nice bow
And create the most pathetic attempt at a love ballad you know
I feel comfort with her in all the ways you overthink with him
But you shouldn't be able to overthink love
What I learned without you was what I don't think you ever learned
Love is just love
Full strings attached