Streptococcal Bacteria
We slept during the hours of the night
And are awoken as the lights come on
He watches over us bathed in white
No intervention, he is withdrawn
From our society in this global containment
As he watches our race produce
Maybe we’re just here for his entertainment
We live for him I deduce
As I sit and wonder
More questions I devise
About the skies I’m under
And his watching eyes
Have you ever thought about your race’s existence?
I have ever since I was young
I begin to question the need for persistence
In all the people I stand among
Mama speaks of the past
How far back does it go?
Same questions others have asked
No one seems to know
She hands me a “good book”
Passed down year to year
Traditions, tales, take a look
It may help to make things clear
The ground one day came into being
The book says we were devised from the ground
The stories create a purpose or meaning
But they never mention why. Never wrote it down
Why create the race? Why get started in the first place?
As I sit in this petri dish, I just wish
I knew.