My inner demons screech, roar to get out,
Every day pushed further deep down.
I go through the day as if nothing is wrong,
Inside me I sit in the corner of darkness unable to see a thing.
I ask myself “who truly cares for me,”
I feel like a pawn in some grand scheme
Easily knocked over and misunderstood,
I feel invisible to everyone.
Prayers, for the day to be over; to be put it in the past,
Yet like the plague the past oh so lingers...
Yet there is a light seen; that overpowers the darkness,
This is my escape.
An escape from gloominess in the recesses of my mind,
Into a world filled with the love of the people that care for me.
That will always be there for me when I need them to be.
I cannot fight alone, Rather I'm grateful to have my family and friends.
Without them, an unknown
Can make it through my day alone?
Without them never the person I am.
Without them never the person I dream to be.
They are the rocks that lift me up,
As they are the walls that keep me stable, protected
Ever are they my shoulders to lean on.