Your catcalling, and your harassment
is what makes me feel scared at night
your stalking is still haunting
as you watch me walk down a street
I try and wish the best
but I can still feel your presence beneath
the shadows of the walls
in the dark ally as it creaks
oh how I try to ignore
this feeling inside of me
this fear that you feed on
is it a game to you?
Well I'm not a chest piece
I'm a person too
You will try and touch me
I know what you do
but I will try my very best, to not let you
you will probably try to attack and make me cry
but just so you know
you won't win whats on the inside
I will hold my ground
and I will cry my tears
for I am strong
stronger than fear.
and for what you do is what is wrong
you won't get away with it
I will hold you accountable
and stand in a firm ground
I will defend myself, until all else
because I know that you will run
once you've realized what you've done
and when that happens I will know I have won.