This Stranger In My Heart
I’m here to justify
All the boys and men
Who cunningly lied through
Their teeth saying
“I love you”
Maybe they thought it was true
Maybe they felt it in their heart
But when a prettier woman came along
When a curvier
More normal woman came along
He forgot your face
He forgot your place
In his heart if you ever had one
Now you’ve never felt so alone
Loneliness has always been knocking at your window
But it never got through
Until now
Like a thief in the night
Coming to steal the love you once shared with that man
That stranger
Who forgot your face
Forgot your place
…but that’s just it
He never knew your face
You never had a place
In his heart
I’m here to justify
All the boys and men
Who cunningly lied through
Their teeth saying
“I love you”
Maybe they thought it was true
But honey, we both know
Love like this ain’t nothin’ new