The story of the sun
The sun is coming for us all!
For we have corrupted it's light,
We have brought with us, values of 'the night'
Into the blissful world of the morning.
There is no darkness anymore.
Likewise there is no light.
Just the domination of ideas,
that set the recognition of good and bad.
Each according to his compass. His will.
The sun is raging,
and it will burn.
It will burn to ashes our castles, our horses, our farms.
It will burn our love, our hate, our laughter, our cries.
It will burn our skin, black, red or white.
Then there will be no redemption.
death with his army of diseases will rise,
and his glory will be of no compare.
He is the greatest subject of the sun.
Redemption is free now.
but we believe not the story of the sun
I'll take that now
because I have a hunch.
that if we neglect the patient calling
of those who see
in our world of blind masses.
We will perish,
along with the darkness
that has gotten married to our very existence.
If we do not become
Children to the sun,
and live in the depth of it's light,
When it rolls, finally,
destroying the darkness of the day,
I pray we must have invented a time machine.
Built specially in our blood,
that will take us back to these days,
when redemption comes at no cost.