As the Story Goes

Mon, 08/03/2015 - 22:01 -- madisou

Black and white,
As the story goes,
But who knows of friends or foes,
We're all different colors and cultures,
We think if we don't band we'll be devoured by vultures.
But we are not alone, no
We should stand together strong
Where we belong-
Together that is,
For if not, we can only shed tears
For those who suffered, and suffocated
In all the hatred.
Who are we to judge, we're just the same
Tryin' to get out of this silly game,
Of stereotypes,
Of these unfair fights with sides and gangs.
With all this anger
We must understand these strangers,
To know they're just like everyone else
Including themselves.
But for know, as the story goes,
We all reamian foes

This poem is about: 
My country
Our world


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