
United States
36° 52' 59.6028" N, 87° 25' 14.7072" W

STOP please...I beg you just stop
You're trampling on my's all that I've got
The whispers
The lies
Vicious Wolves in disguise
The images
The privileges....taken
The brokenness of words not said...never...spoken
STOP please...I beg you to yield
You're creating a wound in my that I doubt will ever heal...
How many lives have you ruined?
How many spirits have you killed?
How many lives have you taken?
How many pregnancies...stilled?
How many identities did you steal?
This is the rape of a spirit like mine...
The one that's been broken time after time..
It's the questioning
It's the haunting
That makes this life so daunting...revolving
around every situation the rapist placed my way
Stealing every good thing that ever came my way!
This is the rape I've been trying to hide
It's lustfulness, digging down deep inside..
It's familiar
It felt my flesh I'll admit
But my spirit was screaming...for the rapist to quit.
You see rape..isn't always isn't always about sex
It's the heart that is taken...
The no, overruled by a yes
It's destructive and life changing
Ruining and degrading..
This is the Spirit rape...


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