Stitched Together
In all actuality,
We are not flawless
What we believe,
is a broken reality.
We are broken girls,
We are stitched up and sewed up,
With our toes curled.
In today’s society, we try to mask our scars
We dap on the makeup,
And yet we refuse to see the bars
The bars that trap us in an inner-fantasy
So we shatter our mirrors and say,
That’s not the real me.
The mirror tells no lies, it is the epitome of truth
We are not plastic, silicone or porcelain
We break we shatter we have imperfections
We are flaws, all stitched up together,
So how can we see one girl vs another is better?
Sandwiched with lies, deception and imperfection
Our scars, our bruises, our broken bones
Are all different
The difference is what makes us flawless
And not the image of what people think